- Some things that i liked about the class was that we worked with computer because those are somethings that i really like and i also learned how to type as well.
- Some things that i didn't like about the class was that when ever someone did something bad we all had to stay after school for 1 minute and not the person had to stay but everyone.
- I think that i don't really recommend nothing to this class because it is already a good class by how it is and how the teacher is to the students.
- Some highlight for me in the class was that i learned how to use PowerPoint, Excel, and learning how to type as well with out looking at the keyboard.
- I really did do my best because i really wanted to learn how to type and how to use a computer and all the basic stuff for a computer.
- I am reading my Life Planning Goals Journal because i think that it really helps me and could keep me organized with my stuff and what i should do.
- I think that i am committed to be a CTR person because i seen that what CTR people do they help out people without the person telling that he/she needs help they just do it because that is the right thing that they should do and i could also be like that.
- What i learned from the class was really how to become a CTR person 24/7 and taking it step by step and i could tell other people that being a CTR person could change your luck as well that you might even win the Lottery ticket and get the jackpot
- What i will always remember about this class is that it is where i learned how to type right know that im writing my response and will remember how i can be a CTR person.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Student Success Statement
“You will go far with CTR”
Mr. Haymore
Monday, June 6, 2016
Student Success Statement
The Ultimate Choice
Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all other-the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life. This one choice, The Ultimate Choice, is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice.
The Ultimate Choice is:
To be a CTR Person-to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7 !!!
Mr. Haymore
I agree with this statement that Mr. Haymore is trying to tell us that the most important thing for us and. Possibly the Ultimate Choice for us could be us CHOOSING THE RIGHT 24/7 and i agree with him. Because there are some people who don’t CHOOSE THE RIGHT and they could get bad luck and will start to lower his/her grade. And could affect them but it is very easy for a CTW (CHOOSE THE WRONG) to become into a CTR (CHOOSE THE RIGHT). Some things that you could do to help you become into a CTR person could be you helping out other people without them giving you something for return. Like donating to a home shelter you won’t expect something back given to you. Or by giving a homeless on the street money that it also another act of being a CTR person. You could also be Responsible, Kind, Honest, Caring, and Respectful then you are qualified to become a CTR person. And i think that Mr. Haymore is trying to inform all of us to become a CTR person and to pass it to other people so that. Their would be more people good than bad.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Melissa & Benjamin
I think that it is great because Melissa was a girl who had always wanted to become a Medical Nurse but. Melissa didn’t know how to pay her tuition so that Melissa could get her Master and then her Bachelor's Degree so that then she could pursue her dreams on becoming a Medical Nurse and the only way that she found a way to pay her tuition was by working at a job and on of here customer who was Benjamin he always gone to eat pancakes were. Melissa work so Benjamin knew all of the customer and when he talked to Melissa. He they always discussed about their problems that they had so Melissa. Told Benjamin that she needed to pay her tuition that's why she has a job and Benjamin was kind that he paid for Melissa tuition.
Student Success Statement
“If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is harmony in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.
By: Chinese Proverb
I agree with this statement by Chinese Proverb that the most important thing that we will only have peace in the world is by us having. Beautiful Character and by us having good character we need to choose the right and we also have to. Be good to other people who are around us so that we could be. A beautiful Character and it could really help us by us telling that we are a good people and other people should hang around with us. So that there would be more good person in the world so that it could make our nation look great than others around the world. But there are some people who do not have a Beautiful Character and they really don’t care what they do. And they will do the wrong thing so that they could attract more people into their gang or something like that. And i think that it is bad that it could also help destroy our community and bring bad.
Current Health-Related Event or
- Some Health Event that i choose was the Malaria and it could be a Health-related issue.
- Malaria is a issue because it is a dangerous a disease caused by a plasmodium parasite, transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes and could kill people who are bit by this disease.
- People are being involved in this issue because it could spread freely in animals and we don’t know that they could either be in your animal.
- The CDC also known as Centers for Disease Control and they are trying what they could do to help stop prevent Malaria
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
I think that Roman Chapa was the person who did the wrong thing by winning with no honor he cheated. By electrocuting his horse so that he could be in first place and instead of losing with honor. But on the other side Malik Stewart did the right thing by him losing with honor not like .Roman Chapa who won without honor and when Malik lost he didn’t lose his mind. About that he lost he instead went to Philly father to hug him and i feel that it was the right thing to do.
Memorial Day Weekend
- Some things that i did in my Memorial Day Weekend was that. I spend my time with my cousin and ate some carne asada so that we could celebrate Memorial Day. And some things that i also did was that i ate some good food. Some places that i went to was Ontario to my cousin house to eat carne asada and. Some movies that i watched at my cousin house was “Predator 2” and it was a fun movies to watch. Even though it was long my cousin also had some birds that are for indoors and one bird attacked me. And i wanted to grab the bird but i was afraid that i was going to hurt it. Some sports that i watched was Pachuca and Monterrey and i think at the end of the match Pachuca won.
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than by win by cheating.”
By: Sophocles
I disagree with what Sophocles is trying to say in the Student Success Statement that he would prefer to fail than honor than by winning by cheating. To me i think that many people do these kind of stuff that they always get to cheat from their classmates and teachers. Don’t really see and that's how they get to score high grade and smart kids are having trouble trying to compete against them. And to be honest i think many of us has also done it by us telling our classmates by them telling us the answer on a test or something so that they could get. A good grade and i think that know it is just a hobby for people to always cheat and not doing it by themselves. And that is how many other people get to know their mistakes but on the other side there still are. People who still don’t cheat and they will try to do the right thing.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Memorial Day
- Memorial Day is a special day that we Americans celebrate the day that our soldiers had died and those soldiers help us by fighting for us and we will always remember them and by that we made a day which is called Memorial Day to remember the soldiers.
- Memorial Day is at May 30.
- Some ways to show respect for Memorial Day is by volunteering, being part of your community, and by keeping your family personal military history
- That some things that relate to Memorial Day is others special days like George washington, and labor day these could be some things that could be related to Memorial Day.
- Some ways that i could show honor is by me respecting those soldiers who are still here or who were soldiers but they are old and i could also show honor by me participating to an event for Memorial Day.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Student Success Statement
“If i’ve got correct goals, and if i keep pursuing them the best way i know how, everything else falls into line. If i do the right thing right, i’m going to succeed.”
By: Dan Dierdorf
I agree with what Dan Dierdorf is trying to tell us is that on the student success statement that. If we got some goals then we must do the right thing to achieve them and not the wrong way and if he keeps on doing that then eventually you'll. Be a good person just like Dan Dierdorf on how he got to the NFL honors and became a professional as well. And these are some of his steps on how to become a successful person just like. Dan Dierdorf and if you don't do the right thing you won't succeed, but if you choose the right then you will be able to succeed and feel good to yourself.
Wellness Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: A wellness specialist main focus is education. Strives to provide her client with the most up-to-date and accurate information on diet, exercise and health. The exact job duties vary depending on the type of health wants and needs and setting up programs to help clients achieve their goals
Salary: $15.79/hr $49,480
Education: Each employer mandates different educational requirements, but many require at least a bachelor's degree in health educational or a related degree field, like community health or health and human services
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Reflection: I think that i don't want to be a Wellness Specialist because it is really not my type of work that i would not want to be
Friday, May 20, 2016
Student Success Statement
“The most important thing you will ever have is good values.”
By: Dennis Prager
Duties and Responsibilities: Examine, diagnose and treat animals; prescribe and administer animal medications; take cell and tissue samples and perform diagnostic tests; perform surgery on animals
Salary: $84,460
Education: Doctoral or Professional Degree
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Reflection: I think that i would want to be a Veterinarian because. I really like animals and maybe i think that i would want to work with them. Because i would want to treat animals and how work with things that i would like doing.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Student Success Statement
“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon:
Self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem.”
By: Dr. Laura Schlessinger
I agree with what Dr. Laura Schlessinger is trying to tell us is that. The most important reward that we could possible get is Self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem. And she is trying to say that when someone gives a item back they don’t need to wait for a reward to be handed to them. But they should feel happy that they gave back the owner property and some. Owner will give them a reward and will take it but there are other people who really don’t care. That they get a reward but that they did the right thing. And that is what Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Is trying to tell us in the student success statement.
Sports Medicine
Duties and Responsibilities: Sports Medicine requires a Master's Degree in sports medicine, physical, therapy, or athletic trainer.
Salary: The salary for a Sports Medicine is $43,370
Education: Becoming a sports medicine physician requires obtaining a bachelor's degree and a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree. During their undergraduate years, students will need to take pre-med classes in biology, anatomy and chemistry.
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Reflection: I think that i would want to be a Sports Medicine some day because what i think. What sports medicine are pretty cool and are also lucky because they get to go to games. Without paying im sure? But i really think that when ever they are needed they need to go to the field and help out the person who got injured. And i think that is a good job because they get to watch games in person who are close than other people. And they also get a good amount of salary and i think i maybe would like to be a Sports Medicine if i don’t get to become what i want to be.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Student Success Statement
Phillips Riggs’s Four Success Tips
- Work hard
- Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing
- Don’t chase after money.
- Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you
I agree with what Phillip Riggs is trying to tell us is that in order for us to be successful in life. There are some 4 tips that Phillips had done to become what he is now. And i agree because many people have different ways to be successful and just how Philip did and how he got the Grammy. And telling others about his experience being to a music teacher to a professional. And i think that, that is how many people become a professional by keeping a schedule with them and looking what they need to do.
World Records
- The world record is fastest shooter
- Jerry Miculek
- The record was set in 1999
- I think that the one that is my favorite world record is from Jerry Miculek
- I am fascinated because i think it is the fastest shooting in less than 3 sec
- I think that i would want to break a record because i want people to remember me on what i did that no one has ever tried to attempt
Thursday, May 12, 2016
“You knew what i was when you picked me up.”
Student Success Statement
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
By: Theodore Roosevelt
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Student Success Statement
“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong.”
By: Wilford Woodruff
I think that this quote is good because it tells us that nothing is earned just by doing the wrong. For Example is you do something wrong like steal something or cheating then you will not get anything good out of it if you steal or cheat. And there are many other people who are doing good things and they gain something good like money. And by them getting that type of stuff they have to choose the right but not every person can be a full CTR person. So i think that there are some person who actually try to act a CTR person and some who don’t.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Student Success Statement
“It’s A GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time.”
By: Pam Knox
What this quote is trying to state is that, when you step up and say what you think you are choosing what is right and what you believe in. When you have good character all you think of is success. You think of success because you believe that you could become a successful persons and you'll make others proud. But the most important thing is when you step up for yourself or others. This is important because people need to know what you believe is right. For example, if you see someone getting bullied then you need to step up and do something about it. You need to step up because it's the right thing to do because if you don't stand up then who will? Another example is when you see someone cheating on a test you have to do something about it because it is not fair to the class and others. Standing up for someone or yourself take a lot of courage but that build up your future and you'll be proud of everything later on in life.
Speech Pathologist
Duties and Responsibilities: A specialist sometimes called a speech therapist or speech pathologist with a role to assess, diagnose, treat and help prevent speech, language
Salary: $66,920
Education: A license requires at least a master's degree and supervised clinical experience. Many states require graduation from an accredited master's program to get a license.
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Reflection: I think that a Speech Pathologist is not the right job for me because i really seem not to be interested into it because my future career is not being a Speech Pathologist but to be. Something else than a Speech Pathologist.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Student Success Statement
“I have been asked what i mean by ‘WORD OF HONOR’ I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls-walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground-there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! I’d die first.”
By: Karl G. Maeser
What this statement is trying to state is that, if he says that he will keep his word then he will. No matter if death is involved in this he won't open his mouth at all. He will keep it with him until death does him apart. When you give your word oh honor it means that, you will not tell anyone about it even if they punish you. You are giving your word and you should know that, that could be a promise. Giving your word of honor is similar to a promise. They are similar because keeping a promise means keeping to yourself and also does "word of honor" means that you will keep it to yourself or you will stay true to it. For example if you say I give my word of honor to be on school on time then you have to be to school on time because you have gave your word to someone that you will be there. Another example is if you tell someone I give you my word of honor that I won't tell anyone your secret then you shall keep that honor of word.
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