
Friday, October 16, 2015

           (ENT) Specialist
Duties and Responsibility: Otolaryngology  is the oldest medical specialty in the United States. Otolaryngologists are physicians trained in the medical and surgical management and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat (ENT), and related structures of the head and neck. They are commonly referred to as ENT physicians.
Salary: The median salary is $307,859.  That is pretty great.  Remember, this is just the median.  There are many ENT physicians that make less than this and many that make more than this. In fact, the salary range for reporting ENT positions is $224,063 to $400,336.  The highest reporting salary is $516,000.
Education: To become an ENT doctor, you will begin by pursuing the traditional route to and through medical school.  Score well on the MCAT and earn a high undergraduate GPA, especially in the core science courses of biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Obtain clinical experiences that allow you to shadow an ENT doctor so that you will begin to understand the realities of the profession.  Apply to complete four years of medical school. During the last two years, you can take specialized coursework in otolaryngology. Several
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Reflection: I think I would like to be a Specialist because they get paid very good and it is like being a doctor but the (ENT) Specialist get paid a good amount of money and get to help out  people who are in the need of help.

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